Story Center

Virtual ComColodeon: Remotely Cultivating the Squadron Culture

Virtual ComColodeon: Remotely Cultivating the Squadron Culture

By: Patricia Raña, May Mercado, and Matthew Escosia We are all at a challenging period wherein we have to rapidly adapt new practices in approaching everyday tasks in a quarantine economy. For many companies, having a work-from-home set-up becomes an essential duty...

Camp ComCo Alumni Society sends thank you to PGH Frontliners

Camp ComCo Alumni Society sends thank you to PGH Frontliners

By: Shaina Semaña The Camp ComCo Alumni Society supported by ComCo Southeast Asia continues its outreach activities amidst the quarantine situation. The alumni and its advisory council had an online fundraising project among its members to prepare some food for the...

Media as Frontliners

Media as Frontliners

By: Queenie Resmundo The COVID-19 is probably the most unwelcomed visitor of 2020. The pandemic has infected more than a million people across the globe and still counting, leaving the world in utter shock. Most of the countries are now on a lockdown and trying hard...

Influencers for Good

Influencers for Good

By: Jam Bufi The COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the best and the worst of us. Because social media is saturated with worrying news from around the world, it’s heart-warming to see people unite and show compassion for those in need. Social media is a powerful tool...

Go Agile with New PR and Smart Social

Go Agile with New PR and Smart Social

The world’s fight against COVID-19 outbreak and the change in the current business and work environment, where mobility or physical movements are limited and restricted, pose a big challenge to a lot of brands and companies, but it’s no reason to stop, especially for...